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A Trip Around The World

An Internet Web Quest on Exploring the World!!



Your quest will take you around the world, while you decide where you would like to travel the most.  You will define and locate places with their physical features. All countries have their own specific physical features that are specific to that country. It is important to understand how we as people can tell the differences between these places.

The academic standard for this lesson is 7.3.2.A which states “Identify the physical characteristics of places and regions.”

You will learn more about five countries in the world from different continents, and describe their physical characteristics.

You will learn how they are similar as well as how significant the differences among them can be.

So, are you ready to embark on your quest???



You and four friends have been given an infinite amount of money to travel around the world, but the catch is that you can only pick one country from each continent. Each of you will be responsible for researching one continent, and picking your favorite country. The continents to be used for this project are:  North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. After you have chosen your continent, now you must choose one specific country from that continent. Once you have decided on a country, you must research the basic physical characteristics of that country.

You will keep a journal of important physical features about any country you encounter in the exploration phase of this project.  Once you choose your one specific country, Use the web sites listed in the Process Section to help you find answers to the following:

1. Are there sources of water located in the country?  Are they fresh or saltwater?

2. Are there any mountain ranges in the country?  Are there any valleys?

3. What is the climate like in the country?  What would you wear while vacationing there?

4. What kind of activities could you participate in while vacationing there?  (Make sure you pick activities that relate to the physical characteristics.)



Use the following websites to answer the questions listed in The Task:

You may also want to use some travel websites to find activities to do while visiting the country:

After you and your group have finished your research, you will create a presentation describing your trip. You may use PowerPoint, Visual Aides, or a Video.








Use of Internet

Needs frequent assistance to access internet sites and locate meaningful information.

Accesses internet sites with minimal assistance, gathers some relevant information.

Accesses internet sites easily, only gathers some relevant information.

Easily accesses internet sites; consistently locates and records meaningful information.


Does not answer any questions suggested in the guidelines.

Answers some questions.
Not enough examples.
Examples too general.

Answers some questions and includes a few other interesting facts.
Found all the information, but details sometimes too general.

Answers most questions and gives detailed information.

Grammar & Spelling

Crumpled paper, frequent grammar and/or spelling errors.

Word processed, only one font and size, more than two errors in spelling and grammar. Neat condition.

Word processed, good use of font, color, and size. Well organized. Only one or two errors.

Word processed, excellent organization and use of lettering. All grammar and spelling correct. Provided pictures of adaptations. Extra effort evident.


Report handed in more than one week late.

Up to one week late.

Up to two days late.

Report handed in on time.


*Grades will be based on the achievement of the group as a whole.



Throughout this Web Quest, you have research a continent in order to locate a country that seems most appealing to you.  You worked with a group of other students in order to design a five stop trip, and located the physical features of the countries.  You should have a better understanding of where certain landforms are located, and the basic climates from around the world.